The Power of Pre-Mortems in Software Development

The software post-mortem is well known. It’s a standard best practice that really marks the end of any software project. It also fits in well with the Agile manifesto, specifically the retrospective - always be reflecting, always be improving.

Post-mortems are usually only conducted when things go wrong. And of course they should. Wrong is bad for business. Outages and issues cause your company to lose money and erode both your user brand and engineering brand.

What exactly is a software failure?

A software failure is simply anything that prevents your users from doing the thing they wanted to do (or you wanted them to do). It’s easy to recall stories of some backend system (like AWS itself) falling over or GitLab’s 2017 DB outage causing massive issues. But it’s also things like missing or just bad language translations confusing a user.

If a user can’t do what they want to do - it’s a failure.

Failures occur when a change happens to your system. Most often, it’s a config change, but really it’s any change made by a human. We know this because failures go down when developers are not working. And since we can’t really just stop working, we need to understand mistakes and issues are inevitable. We just need to reduce and not repeat our mistakes - hence the power of the post-mortem.

It’s unfortunate such a great practice ends up happening after an issue occurs.

Enter the Pre-Mortem

The software pre-mortem is a practice where a team imagines and predicts failures or issues that could occur in order to capture any learnings before anything actually bad happens. The Harvard Business Review suggests an exercise like this can increase “the ability to correctly identify reasons for future outcomes by 30%.”

Pre-Mortem Benefits

The main benefit of this practice is to identify potential issues and their likelihood, and of course pre-emptively fix them. Is it reasonable to think you can find and fix everything? Absolutely not. But there are more benefits from this practice, including:

When to do it?

How to run a Pre-Mortem

It’s simple. Gather all the team members (and maybe a few outsiders) into a room. Facilitate a discussion around what could go wrong. Take notes and rank items in terms of likelihood.


“The difference between average programmers and excellent developers is not a matter of knowing the latest language or buzzword-laden technique. Rather, it can boil down to something as simple as not making the same mistakes over and over again.” — Mike Gunderloy

Now go make the Pre-Mortem a standard practice in your team today!



What types of issues should you be considering?

Here’s a (non-exhaustive) list of areas I’ve used which may help.

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