Fragments, Tab Adapter, and Different Layouts

When using Fragments in tabs, the FragmentManager takes care of instantiating, retaining, and reusing Fragments. The problem there is that a tag for a fragment is auto-generated. If we want to reuse that exact Fragment in a different layout (like when the device is rotated), we need to extrac...

Custom Android Tabs

Wanting to change the default TabWidget look and feel for Android? In this tutorial, we will investigate a few different ways to customize your app’s tabs.With Android SDK 1.6 and above, the SDK allows you to set a View as the tab instead of just text and an icon. We use be using that tech...

Android Tabs with interacting map and list views

Last tutorial, we wrote a simple app that displays two interacting list views in a TabActivity. In this tutorial, we will up the ante and add a MapView as the content of one of the tabs. Why again are we using multiple views in an activity instead of using a separate activity for each tab co...

Android TabActivity with two list views

Often times when creating an activity with tabs, it’s easy to have a separate activity for the tab content. However, things get tricky when those activities need to interact with one another. So the solution is to create a tabactivity with views (instead of activities) as the tab content. ...