Draft Punk Android App

I published a new app today for Android. It’s targeted for the fantasy sports fan like me. Every year, I do an offline draft for my fantasy football league. The problem with offline drafts though, is that you have to fumble around with various paper cheatsheets or internet printouts and make sure you cross out every player drafted. The worst is getting hassled from your buddies when you pick a player already drafted. So what’s the solution to all of this - the Draft Punk App.

Draft Punk is a mobile fantasy football drafting tool. It allows you to keep track of the best available players, while allowing the user to mark players as either drafted by you, drafted by someone else, and add to an interested list.  It makes seeing the various ranked players easy by hiding those that you mark as drafted.  Plus, Draft Punk allows you to filter the available player list by position and by name to find the player you’re looking for.

One of the cool features I added was that for each draft, every time you mark a player as drafted, that information is saved. So if you accidently close the app or someone calls your phone - you won’t lose the current draft status. This feature also makes it possible to perform a number of drafts and open any of them in the future.

I hope to add some more cool features in future versions like giving the user an option to export the draft results to an email for example. Plus, Yahoo! recently made a fantasy sports API available.  So it would be nice to one day integrate your results with your Yahoo! fantasy football league.

Check out my App details page here: http://joshclemm.com/android/draftpunk.html

Border Wait Android App
Android TabActivity with two list views